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Monday, February 26, 2007

How AGLOCO pay to the members ?

AGLOCO will make cash payments to Members in various forms, always trying to minimize costs and balance that with Member convenience. Forms should include bank-to-bank (ACH), PayPal (and similar), credit to cards (like VISA), and checks in the mail. We will also try to pay in local currencies wherever possible (I heard the question on eGold and I do not have the answer yet).
==> Join AGLOCO Here.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

What is Agloco?

Today's hottest Internet businesses are all about the power of social networks. Companies
like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube have become worth billions. Social
communities such as these rely on the users to build the community.

Agloco has asked a simple question:

The users created the community, so where's their share of the profit?

It was from this question that AGLOCO set out to create the Internet's first Economic Network, harnessing the power of Internet-based social networks to directly benefit the Members who help to create the community.

In its simplest form this is how Agloco works:

- Agloco has developed a tool called the Viewbar. The
Viewbar subtly displays ads and discreetly runs on your computer for 5 hours
or less ever month.

1. Companies pay Agloco to advertise (on the Viewbar)

2. Agloco pays us to take 2 minutes to install the Viewbar and sign up.

3. Agloco then pays us more if we build the network. i.e. after you sign up and install the Viewbar, you tell your best friend to do the same.

4. Agloco pays by the number of hours the Viewbar is run every month (5hr maximum)

5. More people in your network = more hours of Viewbar running = more money for everyone!

Reasons To Join
1. Agloco pays you for doing something you always do, surf the net.
2. It is free to join
3. Become part of the next generation of the Internet "The Economic Network"
4. It's your Internet, so own it!


Saturday, February 24, 2007

AGLOCO : It's Work

“You might already know that almost everything you do on the Internet makes money for someone else. And that’s not just when you spend money. Just about every time you view an ad, click an ad, search, buy something, download something, join a community, or post a story, picture, or video, some person or some company is making a fee, commission, and/or sale from your activity.”

How it works
“If you want to join as a Member, you download a piece of software called the Viewbar. It’s like a toolbar that sits at the bottom of your desktop, and it will be available soon. Essentially, it collects on your behalf some of the revenue you would usually generate for other people while you conduct your everyday browsing. Then, it returns most of this money to you.”

Why it works
“Why does this work? You win because you now get your share of the money for doing what you would normally do. AGLOCO management wins by keeping a 10% cut of this revenue (like Brad Pitt pays his agent a 10% fee). And the companies win, since they get your business. All you need to do is have the Viewbar up on your screen while browsing the Internet like normal.”

Click Here To Learn More

Thursday, February 22, 2007

AGLOCO Members make money in four ways.

Members earn a monthly share of the AGLOCO revenue based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month.

Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded). Click here for details.

Members who use our referral system to help build the AGLOCO network will earn more. (AGLOCO only has significant value as a large network and people who help build it should be rewarded. – We also feel that the early users who told friends about YouTube or MySpace or even Google probably deserved something too, but no referral system was available to record their work).

Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

AGLOCO: How to make money ?

Search: Every time you use the Viewbar™ to do an Internet search, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (For example, Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.)

The Viewbar™ itself displays ads that are targeted based upon the websites you’re visiting. When you click on an ad and make a purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar™, and the Viewbar™ can detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.)

Transaction commissions:
Many major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5% commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can negotiate for our Members.)

Software distribution:
Numerous software companies pay websites to encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe’s Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest software, they get paid for it.

Service distribution:
Many online service providers will look to the AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their services. (For example, eBay, Skype, and PayPal, among others, all pay fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their services)

Product distribution:
When Members agree to use a product, such as cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or financial services, AGLOCO can collect referral fees. Some companies even offer special rebate and cash-back programs.

Monday, February 19, 2007

AGLOCO : Make Money From The Internet

I recently joined AGLOCO because of a friend recommended it to me. I am now promoting it to you because I like the idea and I want you to share in what I think will be an exciting new Internet concept.

AGLOCO’s story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members. (For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6 billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that YouTube’s users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share, but they’re building a community that will generate the kind of fortune that YouTube. But instead of that wealth making only a few people rich, the entire community will get its share.

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware, no pop-ups and no spam - membership and software are free and AGLOCO is 100% member owned. Privacy is a core value and AGLOCO never sells or rents member information.

So do both both of us a favor: Sign up for AGLOCO right now! If you use this link to sign up, I automatically get credit for referring you and helping to build AGLOCO.